
Bruce Lipton - How to Reprogram the Patterns in Your Mind

I had the pleasure of meeting Bruce Lipton back in 2005 where he was a guest speaker for the day. If you get the chance to attend one of his presentations I would recommend it. He has such insight and is so passionate.
In this video he talks about energy psychology and how the subconscious is responsible running underlying programs in our life. To identify and resolve these programs he mentions BodyTalk is one of the few therapies available that can resolve these programs.

Beetroot a forgotten superfood

I watched Heston Blumenthal make a beetroot risotto which looked absolutely yummy! The great benefits of beetroot are not widely advertised in magazines or other articles you read. Here is a website that goes into a lot of the benefits of beetroot.

So whether you stem, boil, roast or shred it - go a grab a bunch today and boost your mind and body!